Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The missing Peace

I have many little "chicks" here in Poland. They are young women who God has placed in my path, who need encouragement and love. Somewhere along the way our paths become so entwined that we become family. They call me "Mama Rhonda". Now, this could potentially make me feel old or outdated. Like the first time that you hear someone call you "Ma'am", or when someone tell you that you look pretty good for your age! Haha! But instead, this has made me feel as though God has created a very special place for me in the lives of my girls. That my age is a way of being able to share some life experience with them.

Today, one of my little "chicks" asked me why I love her. I began to list the reasons why. Soon I realized I could go on for quite some time. God has allowed me to see something SO very special in this young lady and I truly love her with all my heart! I am not sure that I have seen that as clearly as I did today. In many ways she has become part of me and I am part of her. I only wish I had told her sooner...

I've been thinking about Christmas. This year has been difficult for me. I have not really felt a sense of my usual Christmas spirit. I have been so busy readying everything at the coffee shop and hosting parties and taking care of needs around me that I have neglected my own rituals of the holiday. I have stopped choosing the wonder of this season. I stopped reflecting on how


who loved us so much that He sent
a precious gift,
that sweet and innocent baby boy...
That loved ME so much and saw something so very special in me that He would make a sacrifice for me.
He would, in fact, make that same sacrifice it if was ONLY for me!!!

Now, when I think of that and my mind reflects on Helka and Ania and Ola, and Asia I can see where this immeasurable love comes from. It is a gift from the Father! It came at the time I accepted the gift of His son. This love is to be passed on from generation to generation. So instead of feeling outdated or old, I choose to see that I am part of the circle of love.

This love that we are responsible to give is only possible when we step into the shoes of those who have gone before us. Because it is not always easy to love those who have not been loved. They may hurt me or choose to walk away from my love. But one day, maybe my "chicks" will take on their own chicks of their own and will give that immeasurable love to those God places in their paths.

It wasn't meant to be a "one time gift", the gift of the Christ child is meant to endure all of time and it was meant to change the WORLD!

"Behold unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6

Merry Christmas... May you know HIS peace!


HelKa said...

I love you too, mom.

Anonymous said...

what an amazing calling you've been given! I love this so much! Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Would you mind sending me you're email address? I want to tell you something. Lissaandneal@me.com

Shannan Martin said...

This is the sweetest, sweetest thing! Makes me remember the ladies in my life who made such a difference to me when I was younger.