Monday, December 28, 2009

Let's just say I am crafty

I really like to make stuff, paint stuff design stuff...
I like pottery and embroidery and painting and drawing and anything artistic. Most of right now I like to FELT! It is something new for me and I am amazed at what you can make with a bunch of sheep's wool. AMAZED! I have just started this craft but I felt when I started as though I should have done this all my life. Not that I am that good at it, but it just feels right!
For Christmas I tried to make most of the gifts we gave away. Since wool is pretty cheap it is nice to take a needle and some wool and come up with a gift that actually looks like what you started out to make. So, I made my grandbaby a little felted play mat with lots of different characters. It was a fun project and I hope she will like it. We don't know yet because the mail between Poland and USA is slllloooooowwww this time of year.

I also made some birds this year for a special young lady, my Helka. I made a bluebird of happiness to remind her that there will be better times and to always hope for good things.
I made a mama bird for her to remember that God always keeps us under His wings like a mama bird keeps her chicks.

Then I made two silly camels for my friends Ania and Katie. It was an inside joke but I hope that they liked the way the camels turned out. Just will remind them of good times we have had together.

I made some things I could not get pictures of but I enjoyed making. There was a black cat, A nativity scene, and several mushrooms which were just sooo cute, and another little bird for my Ola. I think I will just keep plugging away trying to learn this craft. I have been mostly needle felting this year but I also like wet felting. I am moving on to making scarves next. I made a few and they were pretty but I need to perfect my style a bit!
What do you like to make??


HelKa said...

your crafts are always amazing! I love them - especially my birds! :)))) the best gift for my birthday! said...

Wow, your felting is fabulous! My family is from Poland and my husband just came back from there a few of months ago. He was in Bydgosh and Toren(spelling may be wrong). He loved it and said it was beautiful. Next time he goes for business I will be going too:)
Happy New Year to you and your family!
Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

Unknown said...

Those camels are adorable, and much more friendly looking than the real thing! : )


HelKa said...

Hey my crafty mom, I think that one day I am gonna be like you. I am starting to love decorating! I just loooove all the blogs with pictures of a cute rooms and details. You made me like it! Ehh, wish I would already move to a new place to have fun with you and paint, move furnitures, decorate... Can't wait!

Free Art Printables said...

Those little felted creatures are adorable!!!!

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

You do beautiful felting. I was first introduced to it at John c Campabell Folk School in Brastown North Carolia. I hope to return there one day and take a clas on it. Or then maybe you could just teach me.
Lovely work!

Jessica Fuller said...

Thanks for stopping by my "place"!
Your felt creations are so cute. Did you teach yourself to do that? Very unique! Hopefully I'll have time soon to "catch-up" on your blog. The bits I've read of your "story" have intrigued me. :)